"The mind is a wonderful thing. It starts working the minute you're born and never stops working until you get up to speak in public." - Groucho Marx
Vice President-
Forensics is offered as a honors credit class, and has an after school club.
No, we aren't the kind of Forensics you see on CSI, we don't cut up dead bodies, not even close. Forensics is actually a competitive public speaking and debate team. If you are good at being dramatic or funny and enjoy the spotlight, then this is the club for you! Members learn the art of public speaking, how to think critically, and how articulate their ideas, all while having fun!
Areas of competition include:
Prose, Duo, Declamation, After Dinner, Debate (Public Forum, Lincoln Douglass, Student Congress) Original Oratory, Impromptu, Extemporaneous, Sales, Poetry.
For effective public speaking, remember the "SPEAK" acronym:
S = Simplify your material
P = Prepare & Practice
E = Enthusiasm
A = Anxiety - channel it
K = Knowledge of your subject